About us

Raised by a system that failed her, Queen entered adulthood without the guidance or direction needed to get out of a cycle that was designed for her to fail. After years of watching all of her peers travel down the same road being met with the same roadblocks it hit home when her son made a left turn on the same path she never wanted her children to travel on. It was in that moment that she decided to become everything she herself at one point needed: Guidance.

After growing up in group homes and having her first child at 17 while homeless with no resources or guidance the only thing she knew in order to survive and maintain a roof over her head every night was through a life of crime. This was a cycle that lasted for years. In 2012 she was shot 13 times which forced her to sit still for 11 long months unable to walk; the only thing she could do was think and study realizing how blessed she was to be alive and given another chance at life she had hit her rock bottom: It was time to change. The biggest challenge was not being able to financially provide for her family outside of criminality. Determined to break the cycle Queen began learning everything needed to know in order to rebuild her life; starting with repairing her credit, so she could obtain funding and create sources of income the legal way.

Self taught and after trial & error Queen mastered her skills. She then decided she could use her knowledge to guide others to do the same.  With the blueprint to success queen has rerouted the map and decided to assist everyone in need of changing their destination… Against all odds.

Its easier to travel down a path we know the directions too, but with guidance the destination can be much greater” -Queen

Success stories

Prior to coming in contact with Queen all I've known was how to survive through a life of crime. I had no other skills or knowledge about how to provide for myself or my family. Against All Odds not only helped me make a way for myself they taught me the importance about credit & financial literacy and now I am a business owner with a good credit score and secure way of life. I know longer need to take the risks I once took to lose my freedom. Im forever grateful
Demetrius Young California
Against All odds did more then open doors for me. They changed my mindset. I've only been off parole for 19 months and I've accomplished more then I've done my entire life. I learned that its not our surroundings that define us, Its surrounding yourself with positive influences that can give you knowledge to do better. I don't have a reason to look back now. I am living out my dreams that I never knew could be reality. Thank you for all you do!
Jaren D. Smith Oakland, Ca
I've been in and out of prison for the past 14 years. I couldnt see ahead because my surroundings kept me blinded. Against all Odds is more then a resourceful connection, They are family. They helped me reprogram my thinking and change my outlookMost importantly they showed me that good people still exist and it was okay to trust that were never to old to learn. Im now a business owner and working to give back to others that were in my shoes. Im never going back....
Eric E”-Fly” Robinson